Hajj is the fifth and last pillar of the Islamic faith. It is performed annually in the holy city of Makkah, Saudia Arabia during the last month of an Islamic lunar year i.e., 8th of Dhul Hijjah to 12th of Dhul Hijjah. Muslims, millions in number, gather in Haramain traveling through hajj packages UK and from all across the globe. Hajj is the largest religious gathering in the world and a great example of Muslim unity and brotherhood.
Performance of Hajj is a part of every Muslim’s faith but it is not obligatory for all Muslims to perform hajj. In simple words, hajj is only an obligation for a Muslim if he/she possesses all the physical as well as financial means for it.
Here are some of the conditions that need to be fulfilled to make hajj obligatory.
The first and necessary condition for hajj to be an obligation for a person is that he/she must be a Muslim. Obviously, Hajj is an Islamic Ibadah therefore non-believers cannot go for its performance. A person intending to perform hajj must have embraced Islam and recited the Shahadah.
Physical and Mental Ability.
A person wishing to go for hajj must be physically fit for it as well. Since hajj’s rituals can be tiring i.e., require long walking hours and involve a lot of physical activity, a person should be fit enough for it. Despite this, hajj is an obligation for those who are mentally sane and conscious. Therefore, one has to be both mentally and physically fit in order to perform the obligatory pilgrimage.
Economical Means.
Since hajj also requires a person to spend from its financial means in order to support all of its travel and accommodation expenses, possessing the necessary provisions for it makes hajj obligatory. In addition to this, a person must also provide sufficient financial support for their family back home until their return.
The second most important condition to be fulfilled is that such a person should be free and independent. There are no travel or religious restrictions imposed on them. In simple words, all of the basic human and legal rights are available.
Last but not the least, obligatory pilgrimage only becomes obligatory once the Muslims have reached adulthood. If a person has performed Hajj in their childhood i.e., before the age of puberty was reached, it would not suffice for Hajj-al-Islam. He/she must perform another Hajj (obligatory) after reaching adulthood and only if it can be managed easily.
Hajj is not fard for those people who do not fulfill these necessary conditions. If those who have not performed hajj yet but they have the necessary conditions and somehow lose some of those conditions, they’ll still be obliged to perform hajj. That’s why a Muslim is advised to perform hajj as soon as he/she has the opportunity to do it. Nonetheless, it’s better to get guidance from religious scholars on such matters.